Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

Other kinds of “anemia” can deprive your elderly person of
oxygen. A low red blood cell count (under 4.4 million/mm^3 ) is
the “garden” variety. Sometimes iron levels are low and can ex-
plain the low red blood cell count. Sometimes they are not.

Most regular anemias, including low iron levels, are associ-
ated with hookworm infestations.

Kill all Ancylostomas along with Ascaris twice a week. It is
not wise to take iron pills, even if they do raise hemoglobin lev-
els, except in life-threatening situations. Remove the tiny crea-
tures that cause microscopic bleeding instead. Iron in the form of
pills is too easily snatched up by bacteria who also need it,
making them more virulent to the body. Use grain alcohol rinse in
the bathroom to kill Ascaris and hookworm eggs under fin-
gernails. Don't have pets in the house or keep them on daily
parasite killing herbs.
It takes nutritious food to build the blood back up to its
normal hemoglobin level. Eggs and meats (all very well cooked)
are the richest sources of iron and other minerals used in blood
building. B 6 and other vitamins are also involved and can be
given as a B-complex (see Sources). Do not use black strap
molasses as an iron source, or any molasses, since it contains
toxic molds. (The molds could be detoxified with vitamin C the
same way as honey. However, I have not tested enough molasses
for solvents and you cannot risk these.) In the past, when the
nutrient properties of molasses were discovered, the molasses
manufacturing was a small, carefully conducted business. Now it
has molds which cause platelet destruction, (purpuric spots)
internal bleeding, and immune failure.

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