Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

Bad Digestion..........................................................

with its excessive gas and burping is another plague of the
elderly. They would rather not go to church nor visit a friend than
embarrass themselves in that way.


It all begins with the stomach although chewing food well is
essential for really good digestion. Dentures should fit perfectly
so the mouth does not develop sores. Using denture cream is not
a good substitute for correct fit and is toxic. Denture plastic is
often toxic, even containing mercury in its composition! Toxins in
plastic can seep! Such toxins lower the immunity of the mouth
and throat and stomach since it all flows down into the stomach.
Low immunity in the mouth permits throat infections to be
chronic. If your elderly loved one has a red-looking mouth or
throat, instead of pink, an infection is going on in spite of no
coughs and no complaints.
It will do no good to keep zapping bacteria when reinfection
is so easy. First kill the bacteria in the dentures by soaking in
70% grain alcohol. Then test the dentures for toxins. Soak the
dentures in water for several hours. Rinse and soak again in fresh
water. Repeat a third time to insure that any toxin found came
from the dentures, not the saliva. Save this water for testing.
Search for heavy metals in the denture water. If you find any, you
know the dentures are toxic! Get new ones, made of uncolored
methacrylate (see Dental Cleanup, page 409 ).
The denture-soak should kill bacteria each night. Plastic has
tiny pores where bacteria can hide. Use 70% grain alcohol which
you make yourself or plain vodka which is about 50% alcohol.
Since alcohol evaporates and is expensive, use a wide mouth jar
with close fitting non-metal lid for all this. Fish them out with
your toothbrush so it gets sterilized too. It only takes

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