Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

minutes to kill everything. Commercial denture cleaners are much
more toxic than grain alcohol; don't use them.
Use food grade hydrogen peroxide or salt water to brush
teeth in your mouth, never toothpaste. Toothpaste has toxic
metals (tin, fluoride, strontium) besides benzene pollution. See
the section on brushing teeth (page 532 ) for details and sources.
If you are responsible for this daily chore, use homemade floss
(2 pound to 4 pound nylon fish line) first; then brush. If your
loved one is seated they may be able to handle the brush by
themselves, giving them pride in the achievement.
If an elderly person refuses or can't wear dentures, provide
food that is soft and without chunks since this decides whether
the stomach can digest it. The stomach is the weak point of the
digestive process for the elderly because nearly all don't produce
enough acid to get the job done.

Stomach Acid...........................................................................

The body produces hydrochloric acid (HCL) which gets
pushed into the stomach from the blood! The enzyme, carbonic
anhydrase, a zinc enzyme, is involved. Not many ways are
known to stimulate this whole process. Drinking water before
meals stimulates it in unknown ways but is hard to do for the
elderly. Next best is to provide acid.
Because strong HCL would dissolve teeth it is not available
as a solution to aid digestion. Ask a pharmacist to make a 1%
HCL solution and use 10 drops of it in a beverage at mealtime
once a day. HCL as a tablet (“Betaine HCL”) is available but
doesn't have enough HCL in it.
Using a lemon or vinegar and honey beverage helps with di-
gestion although this provides citric or acetic acid, not hydro-
chloric. These acids are completely metabolized so they don't
add to the body acid level. But the fact that it is not hydrochloric
means that it can't kill bacteria and parasites in the stomach

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