Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

killing them later will not solve the problem. Stopping eating
them will.

Other Clues...............................................................................

Digestion problems that remain after eliminating bacteria can
be diagnosed in a rational way. Ask these questions:

  • Is the stool orangish-yellow, or very pale, instead of
    greenish brown? If so, bile isn't getting delivered to the
    small intestine from the liver.

  • Is there abdominal pain? (More about this on page 97 ). It
    may be due to Ascaris, flukes, or other parasites.

  • Is there constipation? This will let wastes accumulate, all
    the longer for bacteria to thrive on them.

  • Is there bloating? This is due to gas made by bacteria.

  • Does the stool float? If so, it must be lighter than water and
    contain fat or a great deal of undigested material.

Liver Bile..................................................................................

Bile is necessary for digestion. Absorption of fat and calcium
depends on bile mixing with the food. When fat isn't absorbed, it
stays in the intestine. Fat is lighter than water; it makes the stool
float. Feces should not float. When the stool floats you can
assume that calcium isn't being absorbed either, leaving the
blood in a deficit which will be taken from the bones.
If the stool floats or is orangish in color prepare your elderly
person for a liver cleanse (page 552 ) to clear a bile duct of ob-
struction. They get quite fond of these cleanses and will ask to
have one. Liver cleanses are completely safe, even for persons in
their 80's. One of the stones pictured on page 554 came from a
woman age 97. The general rules apply to the extremely elderly:
kill all parasites first by zapper if possible, otherwise by

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