Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1


If constipation is a problem, use an herbal product rather than
a drug until you have removed the cause. Cascara sagrada (half
dosage) or prunes work for many people. Adding roughage to
the diet is a good solution but often doesn't work. If you try bran,
you should add vitamin C and boil it, first, because it is very
moldy. But even eating tree branches for supper won't move a
bowel that has the wrong bacteria in it.
Bacteria are part of the cause; and part of the result! Consti-
pation increases the bacteria level which causes further consti-
pation! You may solve the constipation problem immediately by
zapping. Even though this kills some “good” with some “bad”
bacteria, no harm is done. The stool is recolonized in one to two

Poop Your Troubles Away......................................................

Two bowel movements a day are the minimum necessary for
good health. The first one should be in the morning. The morning
cup of water, drunk at the bedside has the magical ability to
move the bowels. Cold water may fail. But the water effect only
works in the early morning. Waiting until after breakfast may not
work. Notice the energy lift your loved one gets from this most
primitive body cleanse. Take advantage of this to exercise them.
Go immediately for the morning walk. This might be the only
time of day they can enjoy their walk.

Walking and liver cleansing are the most health-promoting
activities you can do for your loved one.

Make walking as essential as eating. Walking is not merely
walking about the house or shopping. Walking should be done
outdoors. Walking is a brisk exercise, done as speedily as possi-

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