Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

ble and lasting at least ½ hour. Only if the weather doesn't allow
outdoor walking can an indoor walk be substituted. Don't let your
elderly person choose whether they will walk that day. To
overcome resistance, find a cheerful neighborhood person will-
ing to do this task for pay. The need to respond to a new stranger
energizes the elderly more than your persuasion can.

Sugar Regulation......................................................................

Diabetes is a common development in the elderly. If your
loved one is already on a pill for beginning diabetes, take this as
your challenge never to let it get worse. It is not a chronic meta-
bolic deterioration. It is a destruction of the pancreas
(specifically the islets) by the pancreatic fluke which is attracted
to the pancreas by wood alcohol. Zap flukes and eliminate wood
alcohol as described in the section on diabetes (page 173 ).
Use no artificial sweetener and no beverages besides milk,
water and the recipes given in this book. This is one regimen
your loved one will not resent. They are well motivated to pre-
vent the need for giving themselves daily shots of insulin. Use
this motivation to acquire the taste for new foods and beverages.

Elderly Person’s 7 Day Diabetic Diet......................

Daily supplements: 4 chromium (200 mcg. each), 1 or 2 B-
50 complex, vitamin C (1,000 mg. or ¼ tsp.). Take with food.


Choose any one; they need not be in order.

  1. Two eggs, (replace carton and wash hands and eggs before
    cracking), wheat-free, corn-free bread, not toasted (special
    breads can be found in the freezer section of natural food

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