Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1


Choose any one.

  1. Green beans with potatoes, meat dish, cabbage apple salad,
    water with lemon juice and honey, 1 cup hot milk. Water.
    Fresh green beans, especially fava beans contain a sub-
    stance that is described in old herbal literature to be espe-
    cially beneficial to diabetics. Don't overcook them—it
    might harm this substance.
    For the same reason, don't use canned green beans. If
    “fresh” isn't possible, choose “frozen” but rinse the
    chemicals off before cooking. Potatoes (not overcooked),
    peeled to make sure there are no blemishes (contain mold
    and pesticide) can be cooked with the beans. Cook with
    onions and oregano for flavoring. Add fresh chopped
    parsley to the sauce or butter for both green beans and
    potatoes. Fresh parsley has special herbal goodness (high
    magnesium, high potassium, diuretic.)
    The meat dish should be overdone. “Fast food” is
    plopped from the freezer into the boiling grease which
    browns the outside nicely but can easily leave the inside
    undercooked. Meat must never be “rare.” There should be
    no redness near bones! Canned meat is safe from parasites
    but may have smoke flavoring added (contains benzopy-
    rene) or nitrates. Avoid these chemicals. Avoid MSG too.
    Whenever a meat dish is not accepted, substitute sardines.
    Let them choose from a display of six kinds. Purchase the
    flip-top cans to avoid eating metal grindings from the can
    opening process.
    Cabbage for salad should be chopped fine enough to be
    digestible. Add finely chopped apples (peeled) and a few
    apple seeds and whipping cream for the dressing.

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