Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

The sandwich has lettuce, real butter, and whatever else
tastes good (no cheese, bacon bits or condiments). The
bread is wheat-free, corn-free, stored in freezer. Home-
made salad dressing can be added.
The fruit may be chopped with whipping cream, cinna-
mon and honey sauce (not more than 1 tbs. honey).
The water may be plain if there was vinegar in the soup.

  1. Fish, green beans, potatoes, other greens, fruit, hot milk,
    Fried or baked fish is served with lemon or lime. Green
    beans are served with a cheese sauce so a lot will be eaten.
    (Cheese sauce: add milk, olive oil to a block of cheese.
    Melt and cook at least 10 seconds.) Serve au gratin pota-
    toes or scalloped potatoes or any kind of potatoes that will
    be enjoyed. The extra greens can be beet greens, collards,
    mustard greens or spinach served with a favorite dressing
    to make sure it's eaten. (No croutons or bacon bits, though.)
    Never serve dessert if the plate has not been cleared.
    Your loved one isn't hungry enough. If appetite is very
    poor, sweets will only worsen the problem. Try to change
    the menu to stimulate the appetite. Acid foods stimulate;
    spices and B-vitamins (especially B 1 ) stimulate; hot foods
    stimulate. Much appetite is controlled by the liver and
    brain. Toxins at either location (especially food-derived
    toxins) tell the body to stop eating. Suspect food molds
    first, bacteria and chemical additives next.

  2. Asparagus, meat dish, white rice (brown rice contains
    mold), coleslaw, milk, water, ice cream.
    A hot meat dish (no pasta, no wheat flour, no regular
    gravy) can be fried, cooked or baked, but not grilled. As-
    paragus is fresh, frozen or canned. Rinse if frozen. Fix it
    differently than last time. Season rice with parsley and
    minimal salt and pure herbs like thyme; no MSG or mixed

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