Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

  1. Sardines and rice bread or other wheat free, corn free
    bread. Homemade tomato juice with celery, strained. Milk,
    plain water. Pie a la mode (homemade pumpkin or squash
    pie and homemade ice cream).

  2. Potato salad. Leftover meat dish and beans, stewed toma-
    toes, squash. Baked apple with cinnamon, cream and honey.
    Milk, water.
    Many diabetics lose 50 points (mg/DL) of blood sugar in a
    few days on this diet. This is why: there is less bread than a dia-
    betic would prefer. There is very little cheese (it must always be
    boiled in a sauce to sterilize). There is no fruit or vegetable juice
    except homemade, and not much of that because it crowds out
    milk and water. If your elderly loved one can't eat all this, make
    sure there are no snacks consumed between meals that are for-
    There is no pasta anywhere. Pasta is mold-ridden. Even after
    cooking, it may be toxic. There is no wheat or corn bread. The
    menu is heavy on green beans and asparagus and cinnamon. If by
    chance, your elderly person hates these and starves themselves to
    get your sympathy, add a lot more potatoes and rice (never
    brown) to raise calories.
    There is no sweetening other than honey (5 kinds). There are
    no syrups or sugars. Honey is self limiting—the taste for it is all
    gone after 1 tbs. Not so for other sugars. The heavy use of cream
    and butter is offset by no deep fat fried food and little cheese.
    Keep in mind that this diet may reduce the need for insulin
    almost immediately. You may have to cut it in half! But how
    would you know this? The morning blood sugar test is essential
    to keep track of changing circumstances. Don't neglect it. Be
    careful not to use rubbing alcohol when making the finger stick
    (use vodka or grain alcohol). Your elderly person will feel it is
    all worthwhile (doing without coffee or pie) if one less insulin
    shot is needed or if they can go back on tablets instead of insu-

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