Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

lin. Or even just the knowledge they are staying well controlled
and will never have to take insulin shots. Remember to give
yourself the credit for a fine accomplishment when your loved
one's diabetes improves.

Diabetic Supplements..............................................................

Several supplements are especially good for diabetics:

  • Fenugreek seeds, 3 capsules with each meal.

  • Fresh vegetable juice made of raw green beans and carrots
    (½ cup total).

  • Bilberry leaves. Maybe they have something in them that
    helps detoxify wood alcohol, since bilberry leaves are
    good for eyes, too. Get in capsules or make a tea.

Diabetic Eating Out..................................................................

Since the rules are always somewhat relaxed when “eating
out” a diabetic loved one will badger you to go out with them. If
rules are sure to be broken, calculate it into the rest of the day so
you can compensate for it.

Extra Diet Tips For The Elderly..............................................

Food should taste good.
Eating is a fundamental pleasure of living. In old age there is
no other pleasure that can equal enjoyment of food. It is a time
when we long for the foods of our own childhood, too. Ethnic
foods often had to be given up when children were raised
(switched to hot dogs and pizza) but with this diversion gone, a
return to family food would be most welcome and most healthful.
Ethnic foods were made from scratch. And they certainly were
made at home where cleanliness and “persnickitiness” are at
their finest! A speck in the batter gets noticed. Not so in a

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