Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1


Tremor is a symptom, not a natural part of aging. The nerves
controlling the hands and arms are poisoned. The nerves
originate in the brain where the poison has accumulated. What is
the poison? Did it happen long ago? No! It could have happened
as long as two weeks ago but not longer!
Tremor is the result of ongoing poisoning! It is important to
find the poison as soon as you can since the rest of the body will
soon be affected, too. Search your memory for the new things that
happened in the last two weeks. It is a herculean task but only
gets harder each day, so keep notes as you ask: Is there new
carpeting? Is there a new furnace? Is there a different water
supply? Is there a new hair dresser? Did somebody bring a vase
of fresh flowers? Is there a new laundry person? Was the place
sprayed for insects? Is there a new medicine (drug) or supple-
ment? Was remodeling done? Is there a new food?
The list is endless and the situation looks hopeless because
so many new things can happen in two weeks.
Rather than asking individual questions like these, let's ask
only five general questions and have the assurance that one of
them will catch the culprit.

  1. Is it in the air? This will catch insecticide, flowers, carpets
    all together.

  2. Is it in the water?

  3. Is it in the medicines or supplements?

  4. Is it in the clothing?

  5. Is it in the food or on the dishes?
    To answer each question, test the item using your Syn-
    crometer searching technique. Make a test substance. Then search
    a saliva sample for it.
    To test the air, take a dust sample off the kitchen counter or
    table (this gives you fresh dust). Pick up the dust with a few

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