Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

Heart Disease...........................................................

When the heart is enlarged, the valves don't quite close
where they should, making the work harder for it and weakening
it. It may be called “congestive heart failure.” Why is it en-
larged? Possibly because it is so weak! Yes, it becomes a
vicious cycle, getting worse and worse. But you can break into
this cycle and get it all reversed again. The real culprit is para-
site invaders and toxic pollutants.
The most common parasite heart invaders are Dirofilaria,
heartworm “of dogs” and Loa loa, another small filaria worm. At
one stage these worms are so tiny that they can slide through the
smallest blood vessels. They are very contagious. Even persons
who don't live with a house dog can pick up heartworm. Loa loa
is thought to be a tropical parasite but it is alive and thriving in
the USA! The source of Loa loa seems to be tapeworm stages;
this is not a certainty.
Both heartworm and Loa loa are very easy to kill with a
zapper and both are very easy to pick up again. Treat your eld-
erly person twice a week if there is any heart problem. It makes
no difference that the house dog is getting monthly preventive
treatments for heartworm. They pick it up daily and have thirty
days to develop it and give it to others between treatments.
Killing the dog's parasites twice a week with a zapper would be
very helpful to you. These heart parasites may not cause any
pains, yet disturb the rhythm or the pulse of the heart and cause it
to enlarge.
Staphylococcus aureus is a bacterium hiding out in far away
places like pockets left under teeth when they were extracted or
along root canals. Make sure extractions heal and don't leave
permanent cavitations where bacteria can live. Ask a dentist fa-
miliar with cavitations to do a mouth search. Once the mouth
source is cleaned up, the bacteria do not come back to the heart
(after one last zapping). If they do, go back to the dentist!

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