Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

Killing these three invaders (heartworm, Loa loa, Staphylo-
coccus aureus) should cure an irregular heart beat immediately
(within a day).
If the elderly person is on a heart-slowing drug, check the
pulse twice a day after zapping to make sure it doesn't drop too
low. They may need to be off their heart medicine. Nobody will
notice the relief of going off this medicine as much as you. The
sunshine breaks out! Your loved one can smile again at little
things! Even interest in sex returns so watch out! Life is nor-
malized when drugs, especially beta blockers are gone. (Other
heart medicines, such as Digitoxin,TM don't have this depressive
effect. They are used to make the heart beat stronger, not to affect
the rate of beating.)

The pulse should be around 70 beats per minute and perfectly

If it isn't, there is still something wrong. Get rid of toxic body
products and house pollutants. Test your air for gas leaks
frequently. Gas heat, gas stoves and gas water heaters are noto-
riously leaky. Weather changes, namely temperature changes
make pipes expand or shrink—leaving cracks! The gas is toxic
and a small amount can't be smelled. What a predicament! De-
livering poisonous house gas to our homes in pipes that are not
fail-safe is an archaic practice. Especially when the blood test
shows a high “total CO 2 " level, near the upper limit, search for
an air pollutant like house gas or auto fumes. And read the sec-
tions in this book on pulse (page 289 ) and brain problems (page
278 ) very closely for more things to check.
With the heart regular again, it will be much stronger, too,
since it doesn't have to work against itself. This strength is nec-
essary to push the blood into the farthest “corners” of the body,
especially the hands and feet, and warm them up! If your loved

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