Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

one constantly has cold hands or feet, try to improve circulation.
Dissolve phosphate crystals with the kidney herb recipe. Give
niacin (page 279 ). Give cayenne capsules (one with each meal).
Blood thinning drugs to improve circulation are dangerous—use
only if the doctor insists. Monitor blood clotting time if your
loved one is on a thinner.

Heart/Kidney Relationship......................................................

A strong heart is necessary, too, to push the blood through the
kidneys. Often a kidney problem is linked to the heart disorder.
Kidneys are made of tubes that get finer and finer. It takes
pressure, namely strength, to push the blood through them so
wastes and extra water can be let down the kidney tube. Think of
the kidneys as a colander full of tiny holes of various sizes that
let certain things through them but not bigger things. These holes
are constantly being adjusted by the adrenals which sit right on
top of the kidneys and “supervise”.
If the elderly person is not producing four cups of urine in a
day (24 hours), it is not enough. The body cannot get enough
cleansing action from less than four cups. More liquid must be
consumed. If most of the urine is passed in the night this reflects
on unhealthy kidneys. Use the kidney herb recipe—but only half
a dose (so it will take six weeks instead of three to see good
effects). As the tiny “colander” holes open up there is freer flow
and many more trips to the bathroom result. The urine loses its
awful odor (no ammonia, acetone and bacteria!) and gets a clear
look that shows no sediment. Now that water and wastes (urea
and uric acid and other acids) can leave the body quickly through
more holes, it takes less pressure from the heart to get blood
pushed through the kidneys. This brings relief to the heart
because its work is easier. The heart and kidneys work together.
Like horse and wagon the heart provides the power and the kid-
neys follow.

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