Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

time, feeling too guilty to request a temperature hike. Ask your
loved one. They will appreciate it. A shawl, a lap-blanket,
woolen sweater, long underwear and fleecy thermal outerwear
help a lot. But if your hand still senses cold feet, the thermostat
must still go higher. Cold body temperature is an invitation for
fungus and viruses to multiply. Viruses escape into the body
daily. Don't give them the advantage.

But unless all these things are tried, don't raise the tempera-
ture. It is much healthier to be warmly dressed and breathe cool
air than to be lightly dressed in an 80°F room. The heart, espe-
cially, benefits by the cooler air temperature.
For this reason, it is important to have air conditioning during
the hot season. Keep your elderly person warmly dressed, away
from air conditioner or fan drafts, but keep it cool. As cool as
their body temperature and comfort will allow. Don't seat an
elderly person under a fan in restaurants. The blowing air not

Do you find it warm in here? That’s OK, Mom, I don’t mind.

Fig. 39 Too hot and too cold.
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