Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

quire a voltage much like lightning to kill people from a distance.
Possibly a way could be found to shield yourself from
frequencies harmful to humans by wearing a choke (inductor)
coil which suppresses these frequencies. Remember, there was
no recovery, just a slow death for my experimental animals. It
must not happen to humans!
Meanwhile, people must be alerted that they can safely kill
their invaders and heal their chronic illnesses. Invaders that have
been increasing exponentially due to lowered immunity in recent
decades. Possibly this is true for all species on our planet. The
pollution of the entire biosphere has been increasing and with it
the prospect of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
for all of us.

Remember, though, that the true challenge is not to kill our
invaders but to regain our health and immunity.

More than just parasites are making us sick! Pollution is too.
Selective electrocution rarely makes people completely well.
Sick people always have an environmental factor that must be
corrected also.
How do we do that? The ship of “progress”, of increasingly
complex, processed foods and products, must be turned around
and simplicity become our goal. Survival is in simplicity of food
intake, simplicity of life habits. Did Ralph Waldo Emerson
foresee this when he said “To be simple is to be great”? Or will
daily parasite and pathogen electrocution become another crutch
that makes us just enough better that we can continue a detri-
mental lifestyle? Yet another “Band-Aid” treatment for our poi-
soned planet?

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