Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

for the health anyway. Hot milk and a piece of cake (homemade,
never chocolate) may do as much.
But if insomnia is the rule, not the exception, you need to go
after it as a special problem.


is always associated with high levels of parasites and bacte-
ria. This leads me to believe it is their waste products, namely
ammonia, that really causes insomnia. Read the section on In-
somnia under Sleep Problems for more on this (page 243 ).
A sound sleep refreshes as nothing else can. Your elderly
person will have more energy throughout the day and a better
mood if sleep was good.
Of course you must guard against daytime napping if nights
are sleepless. Sleep at night is more important than sleep by day.
They are not equal. Try to turn your loved one's cycle back to
night-time sleeping if it has become turned around by bad kidney
function (frequent urination at night) or too much daytime
napping. Sleep can be disturbed by taking vitamins at bedtime
too. Sleep is enhanced by taking magnesium. Limit bedtime
supplements to magnesium, ornithine, valerian (6 capsules) taken
with hot milk.

Healthful Habits.......................................................

If your loved one had his or her way, they would drive the
car forever, wear the same cosmetics forever, smoke or chew
tobacco forever and eat their favorite dessert forever.
But if you are the caretaker, you know that some things must
stop. You also know that gentle persuasion is useless; it merely
erodes your relationship. Here are a few tips.

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