Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

shortened, much like the life of a domestic steer's. Does a captive
animal learn from seeing its companion disappear? It does
nothing to escape its fate. Should we accept our fate with the
same docility? None of us can remember how things were in
precivilized times. We are eager to believe the present is the best
time that has ever been. The steer, too, has its feed provided, its
water provided, its shelter for the night provided, seemingly the
best time it ever had. Perhaps the price we pay for civilization,
like the steer's price, is simply too high. There must be other
ways. As a society, we should search for our lost longevity.

Not Old Yet..............................................................

For persons merely over 40 and not ill a most important rule
is: don't overdo.
It's easy to injure tendons and muscles by pulling or
stretching them too far. Don't try, with almighty determination to
open a jar. Leave it for stronger hands. Don't try to stretch a
gigantic stretch to reach something on a high shelf. Wait for
someone taller to come along and reach it down for you. Don't do
exercises, that have left you with strains in the past. Do different
exercises. Don't do new exercises, with a determined approach;
start moderately; stay moderate. If you start a new job that uses a
foot, leg, hand or wrist a lot, more than it was used before, even
though it's in ordinary use, it can feel injured. These stresses and
strains invite bacteria toward themselves. Bacteria from the liver
or your own intestines find these strained tissues immediately
and intensify the pain. Kill the bacteria with a zapper, cleanse the
liver, and start the Bowel Program if this has already happened
to you.

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