Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

they leave your body and are allowed to continue their devel-
opment inside you, the setting is right for cancer to develop.
If the fluke eggs and other stages go through their develop-
ment in your breast it can become breast cancer. If it is in the
prostate it can become prostate cancer. And so on. Each different
kind of cancer means the developmental stages of the intestinal
fluke are present there. Only one more thing is needed to bring
about an avalanche of reproduction, so that hundreds of little
larvae turn into hundreds more in a short time: a growth factor. It
makes them multiply and your cells are similarly affected. This
growth factor, ortho-phospho-tyrosine (and possibly, also,
epidermal growth factor and insulin-dependent growth factor)
really begins your cancer.

Teamed With A Solvent...........................................

The good news is that this growth factor, which is essential
for cancer to develop, cannot be made, without the presence of
an abnormal solvent, propyl alcohol (or more exactly, isopropyl
Without taking in propyl alcohol you could never get cancer.
It takes two things, together, to give you cancer: propyl alcohol
and the human intestinal fluke parasite.
Since it takes a frequency generator (3 minutes at each of
434, 432, 427, 425, 423, 421 KHz) or zapper mere minutes to
kill the fluke and its stages you will be stopping the production of
growth factors immediately.

Zap yourself every day for three seven minute

periods, until after you are completely well.

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