Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1


Strange as it appears, it now seems obvious that every living
creature broadcasts its presence like a radio station, the sun, or
the stars. I have named it bioradiation.
Perhaps it is the same energy as the Asian chi; perhaps it is
merely related to it. Perhaps it is the energy that runs along the
meridians discovered eons ago by Asian practitioners.
Perhaps it is the energy that faith healers and religious
teachers know how to harness, perhaps not.
Perhaps it is the energy that psychics perceive and that drives
occult phenomena, perhaps not.
What is truly amazing is that ordinary persons have discov-
ered such energy well ahead of scientists. Persons using the “art”
of kinesiology, pendulums, radionics, dousing rods and many
other forms of “strange energy” have no doubt harnessed a part of
this bioradiation. It is a tribute to the generally high intelligence
of common people and to their open-mindedness that they
discovered this energy, in spite of opposition from scientists of
Over a century ago the scientists of Europe proposed the
existence of a “life force” called “élan vitale.” They were
scorned out of existence (and out of jobs). Young scientists,
(including myself) were systematically taught to scorn this idea.
Of course we were also taught that a good scientist was unemo-
tional, does not scorn ideas, has a completely open mind, and
does not rule something out until it is disproved to their satis-
faction. The youthfulness of college years is so susceptible to
prejudices of all kinds, and the desire for acceptance is so great,
that special effort needs to be made to teach neutrality. Or at least
to distinguish between emotion and fact. Where have these basic
pedagogic principles gone? I was indeed inspired with the
phrase “search for truth” but then promptly led down the path of
“search for acceptance.”

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