Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

How do you know which toxins are responsible for your
cancer? Unless you use a Syncrometer to test, you can not know.
So learn to use a Syncrometer, it will save your life.
The only other alternative is to move to a safer environment.
Go on vacation. Stay in hotels less than ten years old (so the
plumbing hasn't started to corrode) but not in new construction
(give the carpets time to outgas). Do not have a freon containing
refrigerator in your room. Do not use the hair drier they supply.
Do not let them spray your room with anything. Launder the
sheets and towels yourself at a Laundromat with borax and/or
washing soda. Don't hesitate to drink the municipal water. Get
busy with your dental cleanup.
When you get better on vacation, let that be your inspiration
to move from your home. All of the toxins come from a civilized
lifestyle. Resolve to leave it behind. Select a warm climate
where you can spend your time outdoors in the shade most of the
day. Have no refrigerator, air conditioner, clothes dryer, hair
dryer, new clothing, detergent. Check that the plumbing is rela-
tively new and that no pesticide is being used. Make the Easy
Lifestyle Improvements (page 397 ). Throw away non-essential
health supplements (unless tested) and drugs. The risk is greater
than the benefit.

Watch For Bacteria..................................................

In the later stages of cancer the tumors are more and more
infected with the common bacteria Salmonella, Shigella, and
Staphylococcus aureus. Killing parasites prepares a feast for
these ubiquitous bacteria. Now, more than ever, must you stay off
dairy products (except for boiled milk), do the Bowel Program,
take Lugol’s. Remove Staphs by doing the dental cleanup (page
409 ). Don't delay.

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