Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

Help Your Family, Too............................................

If you had cancer, your whole family should be freed of in-
testinal fluke parasites to protect you! They may not be getting
cancer (yet!) but your closeness puts you at risk. Kissing on the
mouth could reinfect you. Request that family members zap
themselves and take at least one 2 tsp. dose of Black Walnut Hull
Tincture Extra Strength while living with you.
Pets, too, can be a source of cancer fluke stages (in their
drool). They get propyl alcohol from their feed. Use unflavored,
uncolored feed for them to minimize pollution from processing.
Add 1 tbs. vitamin C powder to the top of a 5 lb. bag; it will
stick to the pellets as they pour out. Zap your pet along with
yourself by holding them and touching a bare spot such as nose or
Never eat rare meats or fast food chicken. Parasite stages
survive heat up to the boiling point. If you have taken a risk, zap
yourself as soon as you get home to minimize the damage.
Cancer could be completely eliminated in the entire country
if laws required testing for solvents in animal feeds and human
food and products. Presently it is allowed in the United States
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) (see page 428 )!
Another reason for propyl alcohol pollution (and other pol-
lutants) in our food are the chemicals used by manufacturers to
sterilize their food handling equipment.

21 CFR 178.1010 (4-1-94 Edition) Sanitizing solutions.
Sanitizing solutions may be safely used on food-processing
equipment and utensils, and on other food-contact articles as
specified in this section, within the following prescribed condi-
(a) Such sanitizing solutions are used, followed by adequate
draining, before contact with food. [Note rinsing or drying is
not required!]
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