Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

frigerator. Keep moldy fruit out of the refrigerator where the
spores can spread. Use only white distilled vinegar. Use honeys
instead of syrups and even add vitamin C to them.

Vitamin C helps your body detoxify all the

mold toxins I have tested, including aflatoxin.

Keep powdered vitamin C in a salt shaker. It belongs on the
table with salt and pepper, and at the stove. Put it in everything
possible, from cereal to soup to rice (1/8 tsp. is enough). Besides
this take 1/8 tsp. powdered
vitamin C with each meal (500
Developing cancer is a
chain of events. This explains
why it is a disease of aging.
For ten years or more you poi-
soned your body with freon,
fiberglass, asbestos, mercury,
lead, copper, etc. You con-
tinually ate moldy food (chips,
nuts, etc.) which was toxic to
the liver. But the liver regen-
erated the pieces that died.
Eventually a mold toxin pre-
vents the liver from regener-
ating. Your aflatoxin-ed liver
then lets propyl alcohol build
up after using it. You use more
and more propyl alcohol. Somewhere, over the years, you pick
up the intestinal fluke in a hamburger or from a pet or person.
The stage is set and cancer is inevitable.

Fig. 42 Keep both salt and vi-
tamin C powders in closable
plastic shakers.
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