Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

It is impossible for me to have tested
every batch of every food and product,
but so many test positive you simply can
not risk any of the foods and products on
the list.
Learn to use the Syncrometer to do
your own testing. While you are learn-
ing, observe the rules perfectly. There is
no half way measure with benzene. Take
an attitude of over-compliance, not
“getting away” with as much as possible.
Over-compliance can bring back radiant
health, strength you never knew you had,
a beautiful normal body again! You will be able to resume your
plans for education, professional life, personal relationships,
free of the sword hanging over you. You will not be infectious to
anybody. Let over-compliance enthuse you.

There are 2 extra rules that help eliminate benzene buildup:

Fig. 45 Pollutants are
in unlikely places

Fig. 46 Every brand of popcorn and corn chips I tested had
zearalenone contamination.
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