Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

CURING THE COMMON COLD.................................

Sometimes you can zap Adenovirus, the common cold virus,
at 393 KHz for three minutes with a frequency generator and be
rid of your cold, magically, in five minutes. But magic and luck
are not really responsible for this. And most of the time the cold
will reappear a few hours later.
Homeopathy, too, can immediately banish your cold symp-
toms. The reason is not mysterious either. But, this time, the cold
reappears later in a different location. Choose the right
homeopathic remedy for that, and you can chase it away again.

Tapeworm Stage or Mites........................................

The fascinating story of how we really “catch” a cold kept
me spellbound for a year. I was hot on the heels of Adenovirus
wherever it might be in my body. Sometimes I saw it; sometimes
I didn't. Sometimes I had cold symptoms; sometimes I didn't.
Sometimes I could zap it; sometimes it did no good.
It is now apparent to me that Adenovirus isn't our (a human)
virus at all! It belongs to other parasites. Parasites as varied as
tapeworm stages and mites. Perhaps it belongs to many other
parasites, as well. My evidence comes from a tapeworm stage,
cysticercus of Diphyllobothrium erinacea, the mites Sarcoptes
and Dermatophagoides, and our own colon bacteria, E. coli.
The tapeworm stage flies in the dust as eggs, you can trap
these by setting out a pint jar with a little water in it. In three
days' time you are likely to find its frequency near 487 KHz in
your jar. You are also likely to find it on your kitchen sponge,

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