Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

the liver and then get to the respiratory tract. This is a fascinating
avenue I have not yet explored.
Mites are inhaled or swallowed or both, just as tapeworm
eggs are. They are on your kitchen sponge, and in any food or
dishes that stand uncovered anywhere in the home. Never drink
water from a glass that has “stood out” all day. After finding one,
you will notice it beeping in you for several days. Then the beep
disappears; presumably the mite is dead.
The tapeworm stage beeps may disappear in a few days, too,
presumably dead. Except in cases of disease. Muscles that are
diseased will take in the newcomer and allow it to survive add-
ing to the parasites and pollutants already there! Evidently the
immune power of such diseased locations is way down.

On the day that the mite stops beeping,

the day it dies, Adenovirus appears!

Not many Adenovirus at first. You will need to search sev-
eral times during the day to find it in your white blood cells.
(And you have no symptoms, yet, either!) Is it a coincidence that
Adenovirus appeared directly after a tapeworm stage or mite
You can find out by waiting until a time when you have a
tapeworm stage or mite and no Adenovirus. Then kill your
tapeworm stage or mite by zapping for seven minutes. Within
minutes after that, the beeping of the tapeworm stage or mite is
gone and Adenovirus can be heard, loud and clear at 393 KHz!
And minutes later you may feel a stuffy nose, a slight congestion
developing, a certain head feeling that is different. You are
“catching” a cold!
Will you really get this cold? Will it become a full blown
cold of the usual kind? After seeing this happen dozens of times

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