Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

after killing a mite or tapeworm stage I concluded that Adenovi-
rus really belongs to them; the virus is scuttling its dying host
like people jumping off a sinking ship into the ocean. Our bodies
are the ocean for them. They too, immediately swim and search
for a hospitable island. Our respiratory tract is such an island;
perhaps other organs, too.

Yes, this “baby cold” will develop into a full blown cold if,
but only if, you have a mold in you!

Molds and Colds......................................................

This is part two of the cold story. You may have Adenovi-
ruses quietly slipping into your blood stream and tissues from a
tapeworm stage or mite you inhaled, or E. coli bacteria that
strayed into your tissues, and which is being slowly killed by
your immune system. Your immune system can keep up with them
quite easily provided you don't have a mold in you at the same
time. The significance of the mold is that it lowers your
immunity, specifically and generally.

Mold eluded, is health improved.

This has already been studied extensively for a number of
food molds. There are a variety of ways that mold toxins lower
immunity. Some simply kill white blood cells. Others seem to
“bind and gag” them so they just can't go about eating viruses.
So with mold toxins present, Adenovirus, fleeing the dead
tapeworm stage, mite, or E. coli is not gobbled up. It has time to
get to its favorite organ and enter the cells there. It may get in

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