Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

Bread is such a staple we must correct its mold problem
immediately. The two likely sources for the mold spores are: in
the flour to begin with, or just flying about the bakery and landing
on the newly baked loaves. Bread flour in the grocery store is
quite free of mold spores, so maybe it is the bakery that needs to
change. Perhaps it is not possible to bake 24 hours a day in the
same building, year after year, without bits of flour and moisture
accumulating in the millions of tiny cracks and crevices that all
buildings have and germinating mold. Yet bread from small
neighborhood bakeries does not have mold!

Fig. 47 This Mexican bread has no molds. It is made from
white, unbleached flour and is not wrapped in plastic.
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