Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

return with a vengeance. If you eat cheese it will add Salmonella
to your illness and you may develop a fever. Your own immune
system is the most powerful cold killer, so stop handicapping it.
Test yourself for the presence of molds to see if you are ac-
complishing your goal. The various molds I have tested had these
emitting frequencies: 77, 88, 100, 126, 133, 177, 181, 188, 232,
242, 277, 288, 295 KHz.
In about five hours, some relief will be felt. The time it takes
depends on how much mold you ate. But if you stop immediately
and eat only perfectly safe food, your illness will be over in the
shortest time. Shorter than merely zapping.

Mold Free Diet........................................................

Stick to this for 24 hours, even if you feel better much sooner.

Before starting to cook sterilize your kitchen sponge
(microwave it for three minutes), and wash hands.


  • 1 or 2 eggs any style. The egg carton and egg exterior have
    Salmonella on them, so remove the eggs, replace the
    carton, wash the exterior of the eggs and then your hands
    again before cracking them. You don't want a Salmonella
    infection added to your cold.

  • Hash brown potatoes

  • Pancakes or waffles with artificial maple syrup made with
    brown sugar and vitamin C.

  • 1 cup herb tea with vitamin C, cinnamon, or other spice.

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