Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1


What is the best way to prevent a cold? Stop eating moldy
food. We were never meant to eat rotting, spoiling food. We
were meant to be repelled by the bad odor, the bad appearance,
the bad taste. Our parents were supposed to teach us in childhood
to distinguish between good and bad food. This system no longer
works. By mixing spoiled food with good food, by adding
flavors and changing the food consistency, parents can't
distinguish substandard foods, nor teach their children to.
We rely on government agency assurances, like beef grades,
expiration dates, approved food colors and additives. And when
they fail? We land in a debacle such as the present one, where
large segments of society are ill with uncontrollable behavior
(called crime), suffer from hormone imbalances and sexual dis-
turbances, are sidelined by chronic fatigue and new illness. But
the greatest social disaster is lowered immunity—AIDS.
We cannot individually control the destiny of our species.
But we can get ourselves out of the path of the falling human tide.
We can dissent. We can say NO to rotten moldy food.
What about exposure to a cold? Won't you catch one if you're
in a roomful of coughing, sneezing people? Or you shake hands
with a coughing, sneezing person? Or you drink from the same
glass as a person with a cold? Or your child plays with the same
toys as sick children?
Yes, you will catch the virus, but you won't get sick. If you
are tracking Adenovirus using the electronic techniques in this
book, you will see that it infects you immediately after eating
coughed-on food. It stays in you about twenty minutes. Then it
disappears, evidently eaten up by your white blood cells, pro-
vided there is no mold toxin in you. But if you do have a mold
toxin in you, the virus spreads, multiplies and gives you a cold! I
have only followed Adenovirus behavior. There are numerous

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