Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

other “cold bugs” left for you to track. Each illness in your family
could provide you with a specimen to research.
This throws light on self infection, too. When we cough into
our hands and then eat with them, we self-infect. But it only
makes us sicker if we harbor molds.

Curing Symptoms.....................................................

Cold symptoms alone can be cured much faster than the cold.
Taking drugs proves that. Most of the drugs on the market can
cure some symptoms in less than one hour. But not without a
price, such as a harmful side effect.
Homeopathy can cure cold symptoms too, without side ef-
fects. There are three or four favorite homeopathic remedies for
colds and eight or nine less common ones. To use them you read
the symptoms listed and take the remedy with the closest match.

Homeopathic Remedy For These Symptoms
Aconitum early cold with fever, headache, hoarse cough
Allium clear runny nose with burning of lips or eyes
Arsenicum sneezing cold, frontal headache, tickling cough
Belladonna high fever cold with flushed face, throbbing head
Kali bi thick post nasal drip, colored discharge, sinus
Spongia croupy cough
Fig. 49 Starter set of homeopathic remedies.

There are lots more remedies with fascinating symptoms to
try to match with your own. Books suggest that you start with a
6X or a 12X remedy, but success is more certain with 30X. Use
three remedies simultaneously. If you get total relief at some
point, stop. If the cold has moved or won’t budge, try another set
of three after an hour. Don’t take them within 15 minutes of

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