Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

food or anything else. Homeopathy makes very interesting
Homeopaths say they stimulate the immune system specifi-
cally. My results show they do much more. They go right to the
gateways of your cells and evict the tiny parasite, bacteria or
virus stuck to the latch and trying to get in. Your immune system
would be able to gobble them all up if they weren't gagged by the
food mold you ate.
Different homeopathic remedies go to different tissues, so
you can only clear one tissue at a time. If you plan on trying this
for yourself, order the set of cold remedies listed above (see
Sources). The homeopathic method would be a beautiful cold
cure if it weren't for the mold intrusion.
Herbs, too, can cure symptoms rather quickly. Elderberry
tea mixed with peppermint is cited in herbal textbooks and it
could probably do a lot if it weren't for the mold immuno-
suppression. If you plan on trying these start with a set of thyme,
fenugreek, sage (for throat). Since both herbs and homeopathic
remedies work on the principle of ejection, they could eject each
other. Maybe the last one to arrive takes over. This is an exciting
field for you to explore.
Ultimately, the length of time your own white blood cells are
bound and gagged decides how soon you are really cured of your
cold. Remember taking vitamin C (10 grams or more) helps
detoxify the molds. If you find a recipe that works for everybody
in less than five hours, be sure to let everybody know.

True Origins Of Viruses...........................................

Your body can eliminate any virus in a short time, such as
hours or days. It can even keep up with a steady stream that is
coming from tapeworm stages!

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