Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

fragilis, and I never see Bacteroides fragilis without Ascaris (a
roundworm.) I conclude that one lives inside the other!
We may be deriving viruses from all the roundworms, flukes,
tapeworms and bacteria that infect us! It would be a fascinating
study, simply to examine each of these parasites singly, searching
for their viruses with an electron microscope. They could also be
searched for using immunological methods.
Fortunately, your health improvement does not need to wait
on such studies. Your electronic technique can detect them in
your body long before you are made ill by them. You don't need
to know their hosts in order to stop hosting them yourself.
It is a time of great change for this planet as pollution spreads
from pole to pole. The growth of industrial activity, mining,
chemical manufacturing, the food “industry”, and personal habits
like smoking have spread new chemicals to every corner of the
globe. The element polonium, which is radioactive and in
tobacco smoke, is harmful to human lungs, but may not be harmful
to a small lung parasite, like Pneumocystis carnii.
Benzene, which is a solvent and extremely harmful to hu-
mans, may not be harmful to fluke parasites living within us.
Propyl alcohol facilitates the intestinal fluke but is toxic to us.
Parasites are doing abnormal things. Is this because of
The tables are gradually being turned against us in favor of
our parasites and pathogens. Such large changes are called
evolutionary. Is the human species doomed, or will some of us
“adapt”. Will some of us survive to pass on our “better” genes to
a new population of cancer-resistant, AIDS-resistant, Alz-
heimer's-resistant, etc.-resistant humans? How many of us will
die trying?

The common cold should not be so common!

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