Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1


Don't let yourself eat junk food just because your body craves
something in it. Try to figure out what it is your body craves.
Could it be fat? Could it be salt? Could it be starch?


If it's salt, you might also love popcorn and other salty food.
This implicates the adrenal glands. Maybe they're letting too
much salt (sodium chloride) leave the body through the kidneys.
Maybe they're letting too much potassium chloride through, too.
A diuretic pill could certainly have a similar effect.
Help the adrenal glands do their job of regulating sodium and
potassium chloride by cleaning them up. Let salt-hunger be your
signal to do a kidney cleanse (page 549 ). This will clean
adrenals too. Even a slight drop in sodium and potassium chlo-
ride in the blood (body fluids) can make you too fatigued to tie
your own shoelaces.
Remember, when your body craves potato chips, it craves
something in the potato chips. If you let yourself eat highly salted
food while you're giving the adrenals a clean up, at least add
potassium chloride to your diet. Make yourself a mixture of equal
parts of sodium chloride and potassium chloride. Part of salt
hunger is actually potassium hunger. Let your body (your taste)
decide on the amount of potassium chloride to add. Maybe one
part potassium chloride to two or three parts sodium chloride is
a better mixture for you. After mixing, store it in the original
containers (re-label them) to prevent caking. If you put

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