Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

Maybe a stomach-full of baby Ascaris is telling you to eat
only food that doesn't need a lot of acid: "just potatoes, bread and
pasta, please, and skip the sauce.” Ascaris inhibits acid pro-
duction by the stomach. This can result in an aversion to meat.
It doesn't take much acid to digest pure starch and get it on its
way out of the stomach. And out of the stomach means relief:
relief of the pressure on the diaphragm and liver, heartburn, that
too-full feeling, and other digestive disturbances.


Your body runs on sugar. If you are short on sugar it will turn
fat into sugar. If you are short on both, it will turn your muscles
into sugar. However eating more sugar doesn't cure the craving.
You have to find out why you are so short, in spite of eating it.
The first thing to try is 1 mg chromium (five 200 mcg tablets,
see Sources) per day. If you still crave sugar after a week the
problem is something else. Perhaps you have pancreatic flukes
upsetting your sugar regulation. Kill them and go off commercial
beverages that may contain wood alcohol. Sugar regulation is
very complex, but these two approaches help most of the time.


Respect your body's opinion when it says, “No, I don't want
to eat that.” Our education about nutritive value of food may be
sound but there are other facts to consider. We should take a
lesson from nursing babies: when they refuse to nurse, there is
something unpalatable in the mother's milk. Usually the mother
has eaten onions or members of the cabbage family. The baby

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