Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

it. Scratch a bit. Pour it into the other palm and do the remaining
fingernails. Rinse.

  • Don't eat with your hands! Use a fork.

  • Never eat food off the floor!

  • Always wash hands after petting an animal!

  • Never touch the bottoms of shoes! Keep shoes off couch or
    bed or chair.

  • Always cough or sneeze into your clothing or a tissue, not
    your hands.

  • Keep your fingers out of your mouth. Don't lick your fingers
    to turn pages or open plastic bags.

Sick persons need a 50% alcohol solution. Add ½ cup 95%
alcohol to ½ cup cold tap water or buy plain vodka, 80 to 100
proof. Pour the vodka into the pump bottle. Be careful that no-
body tries drinking it. If there are teenagers in the house, add a
hefty dose of cayenne to it.
Lugol’s iodine will also sterilize your hands. However most
commercial Lugol’s is polluted with isopropyl alcohol. Ask your
pharmacist to make it from scratch for you (there are only two
ingredients and water, see Recipes). Then make a solution to
wash in (1 tsp. to a quart of water). This can stain some things.
Do not use “tincture of iodine.”

Better Laundry Habits

Boil your underwear. In long-ago days, all sheets, towels,
table cloths, and underwear were separated and boiled.
With the convenience of our electric washing machine, we
tend to overlook the fact that underwear is always contaminated
by fecal matter and urogenital secretions and excretions. Mixing
these with socks and towels and dishcloths is all right if you are

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