Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

dust so effectively. A return to linoleum floor covering for
kitchen and bathroom and hardwood for other rooms would be a
good step of progress for a health conscious society. Mopping,
instead of the vacuum cleaner, keeps dirt to a minimum. Throw
rugs at doors and bedside, easy to clean, would “catch the dirt”
as was the original intention. Carpets were intended to help keep
filth out of the air. These smaller rugs should be laundered
Furniture should be wood, cane, or plastic, with cushions to
soften the impact. These can be washed weekly if the covers are
removable. Modern cloth furniture with its foam interior is a
repository of filth and fumes and a constant source of infectious

Dust your furniture with a damp paper towel. You are picking
up and removing highly infectious filth (Ascaris and pinworm
eggs, pet parasites, “dander” and house mites). Instead of

This old fashioned setting is more progressive than our carpeted,
modern homes.
Fig. 56 Smooth floors allow every bit of dust to be removed.
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