Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

distributing these from room to room, throw the paper towel
away after each room is done. Use plain water or vinegar water
(50%), not a chemical combination which further pollutes the air.
Clean windows with vinegar water, too. Use a spray bottle.
Keep your dishes in cupboards. This keeps them free of dust.
This principle is ancient. It is tempting to leave some of them out.
If you must keep the juicer or dishes outside of cupboards, keep
them covered or placed upside down so they don't catch dust.
Even inside cupboards, store them upside down. When using the
“good” dishes or glasses, that haven't been used in a while, wash
them first.

Windows Open Or Closed?.....................................

In places like Chicago where you can smell the air as you
approach the city, it is wiser to keep your windows shut. You
can't breath the industrial “soup” all day and night and expect to
stay healthy. Of course, it all enters the houses anyway. Central
air conditioning and a plain carbon filter at the furnace location
(see Sources) may be the best solution in spite of blowing dust
around the house. Keep the vents to the bedrooms closed to re-
duce the air turbulence there but leave the cold air return open.
Clean the vents in other rooms each week along with floors and
carpets by pulling up the grating and reaching down the passage
as far as possible.
If you believe the air is free of highway exhaust and indus-
trial smoke open the windows every day. This will let some of
the indoor toxins blow away. Asbestos, fiberglass, freon, radon
and plain dust can be reduced to a minimum by keeping windows
open. If you are ill, sit outdoors (on the porch) as much as you
can. Escape to a suitable climate that makes this possible.

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