Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

The guidelines can be summarized as:

  1. Remove all metal from the mouth.

  2. Remove all infected teeth and clean cavitations.

Dr. Clark: Removing all metal means removing all root ca-
nals, metal fillings and crowns. Take out all bridge work or
partials made of metal and never put them back in. But you
may feel quite attached to the gold, so ask the dentist to give
you everything she or he removes. Look at the underside. You
will be glad you switched.

The top surfaces of tooth fillings are kept glossy by brushing (you
swallow some of what is removed). Underneath is tarnish and foulness.
Ask to see your crowns when they are removed.
Fig. 60 Tops and bottoms of some metal crowns.
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