of nickel in hydrogenated fats.^27 Fry your potatoes in butter, lard
or olive oil. Find butter that is not wrapped in foil and is not
salted. Salt your own butter, using aluminum-free salt.^28 Don't
wrap potatoes in foil to bake, coat with butter or olive oil. Don't
eat the peels.
Eat no meat that hasn't been cooked as
thoroughly as if it were pork.
Other animals are as parasitized as we, full of flukes and
worms and Schistosomes in every imaginable stage, and if the
blood carries these, would we not be eating live parasites if we
eat animals in the raw state? We have been taught to cook thor-
oughly any pork, fish or seafood. Now we must cook thoroughly
any beef, chicken or turkey. It must be at cooking temperature
(212°F or 100°C) for 20 minutes. Freezing is not adequate.
Canned meats are safe from living parasites, but are not
recommended due to added chemicals.
Drink 6 kinds of beverages:
- milk • vegetable juices
- water • herb teas
- fruit juices • homemade (see Recipes)
(^27) 114 mcg/100 g. Taken from Food Values 14th ed. by Penning-
ton and Church, 1985.
(^28) Salt has aluminum in it to keep it from caking. Buy salt that has
magnesium carbonate as its anti-caking agent. Sea salt must be baked
for 5 minutes at 400°F to destroy molds. Or buy chemically pure salt
(see Sources).