Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

jar. Stay in the kitchen while the heat is on. When the bubbles
have risen to indicate boiling, turn off the heat. You may throw
away the “skin”. Pour into glass jar and refrigerate. Another easy
way is to use a pressure cooker that holds several pint jars of
milk. All dairy products that have only been pasteurized are still
contaminated. Ultrapasteurization does not improve matters.
Dairy products that cannot be sterilized should not be consumed.
It may be possible to find sterilized milk in paper containers on
the store shelf—not in the refrigerator; if it wasn't sterile it
would go foul in a day! Canned milk has solvent pollution.
Powdered milk has both solvent and bacterial pollution.

  1. Water: 2 pints. Drink one pint upon rising in the morning,
    the other pint in the afternoon sometime. The cold water faucet
    may be bringing you cadmium, copper or lead, but it is safer than
    purchased water, which inevitably has solvents in it. Let it run
    before using it. Filters are rather useless because water pollution
    comes in surges. A single surge of PCB contaminates your filter.
    All the water you use after this surge is now polluted, so you will
    be getting it chronically, whereas the unfiltered water cleans up
    again after the surge passes. Until you can test your own water
    for solvents, PCBs and metals, no expensive filter is worth the
    investment. An inexpensive pure carbon filter that is replaced
    every month may improve your tap water. Inflexible plastic
    pitchers fitted with a carbon filter pack are available (see
    Sources). Never buy filters with silver or other chemicals, even
    if they are just added to the carbon. Keep the filter sterile by
    soaking in diluted grain alcohol weekly.

  2. Fruit juice: fresh squeezed only. Some stores make it
    while you wait. If they freeze some of it, you could purchase the
    frozen containers. Bottled fruit juices have traces of numerous
    solvents, as do the frozen concentrates, as do the refrigerated
    ones, don't buy them. You have to see it being made, but watch
    carefully: I recently went to a juice bar where they made every-
    thing fresh, before your very eyes. And I saw them take the fruit

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