bark or beans from which they come. But until safe methods are
invented, such food should be considered unsafe for human
consumption (or pets or livestock!).
Food Preparation......................................................................
Cook your food in glass, enamel, ceramic or microwavable
pots and pans. Throw away all metal ware, foil wrap, and metal-
capped salt shakers since you will never use them again. If you
don't plan to fry much (only once a week), you might keep the
TeflonTM or SilverstoneTM coated fry-pan, otherwise get an
enamel coated metal pan. Stir and serve food with wood or
plastic, not metal utensils. If you have recurring urinary tract
infections, you should reduce your metal contact even further; eat
with plastic cutlery. Sturdy decorative plastic ware can be found
in hardware and camping stores. Don't drink out of styrofoam
cups (styrene is toxic). Don't eat toast (many toasters spit
tungsten all over your bread and make benzopyrenes besides).
Don't buy things made with baking powder (it has aluminum) or
Fig. 67 Some unsafe beverages.