Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

one symptom to each line. It can be quite shocking to see a list of
all your symptoms.
Sometimes a new symptom appears as fast as an old one
disappears. The coincidence makes it tempting to believe that
one symptom turns into a different one. But it is not so. If a new
symptom appears, it is because another pathogen has become
activated due to a new toxin. Try to identify the new item. Stop
using any new food, supplement, or body product, even if it is a
health variety, and see if it goes away.

Body Clean-up.........................................................

We are living in a very fortunate time. We are not expected to
all look alike! The 60's brought us this wonderful freedom.
Freedom to dress in a variety of styles, use make-up or no make-
up, jewelry or no jewelry, any kind of hair style, any kind of
You will need to go off every cosmetic and body product that
you are now using. Not a single one can be continued. They are
full of titanium, zirconium, benzalkonium, bismuth, antimony^30 ,
barium^31 , strontium^32 , aluminum, tin, chromium, not to mention
pollution solvents such as benzene and PCBs.
Do not use any commercial salves, ointments, lotions,
colognes, perfumes, massage oils, deodorant, mouthwash,
toothpaste, even when touted as “herbal” and health-food-
type. See Recipes for homemade substitutes.

(^30) Breast cancer cases show titanium, zirconium, benzalkonium,
bismuth and antimony accumulation in the breast.
(^31) Barium is described in the Merck Index as "Caution: All water or
acid soluble barium compounds are POISONOUS." 10th ed. p. 139
(^32) This element goes to bones.

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