Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

Turmeric and fennel are herbs also used as cooking spices.
They can eradicate invasive E. coli and Shigella bacteria! They
are completely harmless, and are part of the Bowel Program.
Other supplements. The concept of supplementing the diet is
excellent, but the pollution problem makes it prohibitive. Use
only supplements and brands recommended in Sources, although
the best approach is to test them yourself with your Syncrometer.
I can't guarantee the brands in Sources will stay pure. If in doubt,
leave it out.

Home Clean-up........................................................

This is the easiest task because it mostly involves throwing
things out. Hopefully your family and friends will jump to your

  • The basement gets cleaned.

  • The garage gets cleaned.

  • Every room in the house gets cleaned.

Your Basement.........................................................................

To clean your basement, remove all paint, varnish, thinners,
brush cleaners, and related supplies. Remove all cleaners such
as carpet cleaner, leather cleaner, rust remover. Remove all
chemicals that are in cans, bottles or buckets.
You may keep your laundry supplies: borax, washing soda,
white distilled vinegar, bleach and homemade soap. You may
keep canned goods, tools, items that are not chemicals. You may
move your chemicals into your garage. Also move any car tires
and automotive supplies like waxes, oil, transmission fluid, and
the spare gas can (even if it is empty) into your garage or discard

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