ble clear plastic). Also ask them how and when they clean their
tank. Best is to observe that it is done with non-toxic methods.
If your house is more than 10 years old, change all the gal-
vanized pipe to PVC plastic. Although PVC is a toxic substance,
amazingly, the water is free of PVC in three weeks! If your house
has copper pipes don't wait for cancer or schizophrenia to claim
a family member. Change all the copper pipe to PVC plastic
immediately. If the pipes are not accessible, ask a plumber to lay
an extra line, outside the walls. This is less expensive, too.
If you have a water softener, by-pass it immediately and re-
place the metal pipe on the user side of the softener tank. Sof-
tener salts are polluted with strontium and chromate; they are
also full of aluminum. The salts corrode the pipes so the pipes
begin to seep cadmium into the water. After changing your pipes
to plastic, there will be so little iron and hardness left, you may
not need a softener. If the water comes from a well, consider
changing the well-pipe to PVC to get rid of iron. While the well
is open, have the pump checked for PCBs. Call the Health
Department to arrange the testing. If you must have softening after
all this, check into the new magnetic varieties of water softener
(although they only work well when used with plastic plumbing).
The cleanest heat is electric. Go total electric if possible. If
you must stay with gas, have a furnace repair person check your
furnace and look for gas leaks before the heating season starts.
Don't call the gas company even though it is free. The gas com-
pany misses 4 out of 5 leaks! The Health Department does not
miss any; call them! House builders and contractors are also re-
liable in their gas leak detection.