Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

  1. With a dropper, draw up some of the bottom settlings. Put
    one drop on a slide and apply a coverslip.

  2. View under low power of microscope. Compare objects
    you observe with specimens obtained on slides from bio-
    logical supply companies.
    Note: Persons with HIV and moderate AIDS will show about
    one to ten parasite stages per slide. It requires several hours of
    searching. Persons with HIV and severe AIDS show 10 or more
    fluke stages per slide; this makes the task of finding them much
    easier. Persons with terminal untreated cancer have many more
    fluke stages than relatively well persons.

Method for urine:

  1. Prepare bottles of formaldehyde fixative ahead of time. Put
    about ¼ to ½ inch of 20% formaldehyde in each. Keep
    tightly closed.

  2. Add freshly voided^36 urine from cancer or HIV sufferers to
    the formaldehyde in approximately equal amounts, resulting
    in a 10% formaldehyde solution. Shake immediately. Let
    settle several hours. The sediment has a higher number of
    fluke stages. Cancer victims with cervical or prostate
    cancer will show higher numbers of stages in urine than
    other cancer types.

  3. Staining the slide is optional. It helps to outline fluke stages
    slightly. Prepare Lugol’s solution as described above.
    Slides may be stained in either of these two ways:

  • Put a drop of “fixed” urine on a slide. Add a drop of
    50% Lugol’s (dilute 1:1 with filtered water). Apply

(^36) Urine that has cooled even slightly below body temperature does
not show miracidia and redia in their original shapes.

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