Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

shatters from the vibrations set up in it. An identical goblet, made
of plastic, would not have the same resonant frequency.
There is not merely a structural and chemical difference
between the living and non living. Living things are transmitting
energy of some unique kind. And with your simple device, you
will be able to trap this energy. And measure its exact frequency.
This is not the same as understanding its makeup and source. We
must leave that to others. But we can observe and use our
observations to track down bacteria and other parasites. We can
track down pollutants. We can measure our health quantitatively
and perhaps in the future predict life expectancy.

The Syncrometer traps the frequencies that match the ones in
the material on the test plates and delivers them to an audio
speaker in a range that you are able to hear. Instead of test tis-
sues or pathogens, we are now going to use pure test fre-
quencies! Remarkably, few things have overlapping

The Syncrometer at left is attached to the handhold. The frequency
generator at right is also clipped to the handhold.
Fig. 85 Setup for finding resonant frequencies.
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