Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

blender and stir them in quickly with a non-metal spoon before
setting the bowl in the freezer. There are many ice cream recipes
to be found in old cook books. Avoid those with raw eggs or
processed foods as ingredients. You may add nuts if you rinse
them in vitamin C water.

Cookies, cakes and pies

Bake them from scratch, using unprocessed ingredients. Use
simple recipes from old cook books.

Seven Day Sample Menu.........................................

Because processed foods have many toxins, you must cook as
much from scratch as possible. So for convenience sake, keep
your meals simple in preparation. You may want to prepare
ahead and refrigerate your dressings and toppings. Or you could
make a hot soup for dinner, refrigerate, and eat the leftovers for
lunch. Don't save leftovers more than two days. Make sure they
are covered. Try baking several potatoes at one time, refrigerate
and put them in a salad the next night. Variety is the spice of life,
so combine the allowed foods in the most creative ways you can
imagine. And don't forget herbs and spices; learn to use them
from old cook books.

Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Day 1 Granola and honey
with milk, half n' half or
whipping cream
1 cup fresh squeezed
fruit juice

Fresh ground peanut
butter and preserve

Orange roughy fish
Fresh green beans with
Baked potato with Sour
Cream-C topping or fresh
Pie (homemade)
1 cup fresh squeezed or
frozen vegetable juice
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