Hulda R. Clark - The Cure For All Diseases (1995)

(pavlina) #1

Black Walnut Hull Tincture Extra Strength
Grain Alcohol, about 10%

Mix one part extra strength tincture with three parts of the
10% alcohol. Store in glass containers same as described above.
There are several ways to make a 10% grain alcohol solu-
tion. Some states have Everclear,TM 95% alcohol. Mix this one
part Everclear to nine parts water. Other states have Everclear
that is 76.5% alcohol. Mix this one part Everclear to seven parts
water. Yet another method is to buy vodka that is 100 proof
(50% alcohol) and mix one part vodka with four parts water.

Black Walnut Hull Extract (Water Based)

Because you do not know how commercially available ex-
tracts were made, and may not be able to test for solvent pollu-
tion, it is wisest to make it yourself!
This recipe is intended for alcoholic persons: cover the
green balls in the 10 quart (non-metal) pot with cold tap water.
Heat to boiling, covered. Turn off heat. When cool, add vitamin
C, cover with plastic wrap, and the lid. Let stand for 1 day. It
will be darker than the tincture. Do not dilute. Pour into freezable
containers. Refrigerate what you will use in two days and freeze
the rest. Add vitamin C after thawing or during refrigeration (¼
tsp. per quart).
For use: in programs calling for Extra Strength Black Walnut
Hull Tincture use four times as much of this water based recipe
(8 tsp. instead of 2 tsp. Extra Strength).

Important Note: do not use bottled or purchased water to
make this tincture or you could pollute it with benzene!

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