Wouldn't it be nice not to have to go to the doctor for your
aches and pains? And not to be dependent on the doctor to diag-
nose and treat you?
Self health means keeping yourself healthy. Doing it your-
Suppose your doctor has already diagnosed you as having
“Atypical Lateral Sclerosis” or “Shoulder-Hip Girdle Metas-
table Aplasia.” Could you re-diagnose this for yourself so as to
treat and cure it? And be successful? Why not? You have already
succeeded in many enterprises. You learned to talk, walk, read,
get along with people. These skills took a few years to master.
Learning to keep well is a new skill. It may take a few years too.
After you have learned these skills you may pass them on to your
children. And so a new gift is given to humanity, like the gift of
music or the art of cooking.
How To Heal.............................................................
Your body has been trying to rid itself of its parasites and
pollutants all your life! It had its own ways. It made stones, it
made mucus secretions, it made itself toxic dumpsites. These
were good tactics but now of course, they are no longer neces-
sary. Can you help your body get rid of these accumulations and
sweep itself clean again?
Sweeping your liver clean is the most powerful way of
helping your body to heal itself after the parasites are gone.
There are thousands of bits of “trash” accumulated in the liver
bile ducts. They will turn into stones (gallstones) if left in place.
The kidney, too, has made numerous small stones in its effort
to keep your body clear of lead, cadmium, mercury and